University of Cambridge, June 26-28 2014

Technical areas

Technical areas addressed by CIBB 2014 include, but are not limited to:
next generation sequencing bioinformatics; multi omics integration; methods for the integration of clinical and genetic data; algorithms for alternative splicing analysis; methods for the functional classification of genes; methods for the unsupervised analysis, validation and visualization of structures discovered in bio-molecular data; prediction of protein structures; mass spectrometry data analysis in proteomics; methods for comparative genomics; algorithms for molecular evolution and phylogenetic analysis; mathematical modelling and simulation of biological systems; systems and synthetic biology; heterogeneous data integration and data fusion for diagnostics; bio-molecular databases and data mining; algorithms for pharmacogenetics; bio-medical text mining and imaging; modeling and evaluation methods for diagnosis and prognosis; software tools for bioinformatics.


Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings. A selection of papers presented at CIBB 2014 will be published in a post conference volume printed by Springer in the Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics (LNBI) series, n° 8623.

Moreover, we are planning to publish the best papers in extended form in a special issue of BMC Bioinformatics.


October 30, 2014

Post proceedings instructions

Submissions can be an original or a review paper. Paper length should range between 10 and 14 pages.
Submissions will be collected via Easychair. To upload your post proceedings work you must select a NEW SUBMISSION. At this first stage, please upload only the pdf file, structured using the LNBI format. You can find more about the format in the Springer LNBI website in the Author guidelines page.


special sessions

Computational Intelligence Methods for Drug Design

The aim of this special session is to bring together researchers interested in the development of Computational Intelligence methods to address the methodological challenges posed by Drug Design problems. Relevant topics within this context include the development and application of methods for Drug Repositioning, Polypharmacology Prediction, Pharmacogenomics modelling, Virtual Screening, Lead Optimisation, QSAR analysis, Molecular Similarity Search and Docking.

Spatial Problems in the Nucleus

The aim of this special session is to bring together researchers interested in the development of cutting-edge Computational Intelligence methods to address the methodological challenges posed by spatio-temproal problems in the Nucleus. Relevant topics within this context include Spatial Modelling, Chromatin Modelling, Nuclear Dynamics, 3C methods, FISH, Bias and Noise in 3C methods, Epigenetics, Spatial Markers, Data Integration methods, Data Analysis Methods.

Large-Scale and HPC data analysis in bioinformatics: intelligent methods for computational, systems and synthetic biology

The aim of this special session is to bring together researchers interested in cutting-edge methods to address the challenges posed by the huge amount of data produced in omics science. The idea is to present the latest advancements concerning High Performance Computing solutions required to treat multi-omics data and the related Big Data paradigms that are needed to manage the Large-Scale challenges of nowadays computational biology.

Computational Biostatistics For Data Integration In Systems Biomedicines

The aim of this special session is to bring together researchers interested in the development of Computational Biostatistics methods to address the applied and methodological challenges posed by the data integration problem in System Biomedicine. Relevant topics within this context include the development and application of methods for Survival Data Analysis with Omic data, Diagnosis and Prognostic tools on complex Biomarkers as well as experimental design and data analysis approaches for Pharmacogenomics and response to Polytherapies.